
There is currently a shortage of trained providers capable of diagnosing and treating different liver diseases. As a result of this increased demand and limited specialists in the field, more and more front line providers are faced with these patients and do not have the experience or resources to manage them appropriately.

The overall goal is to improve patient care by increasing learner competence and confidence in both proper patient identification and assessment and increasing learner performance in therapeutic options and on-treatment management strategies for patients. Patient outcomes will be improved as a result of the improvements in more providers understanding these key components in the management and care of patients with liver diseases.

Fundamentals of Liver Disease will improve provider's knowledge and clinical skills in hepatology by learning:
>Which patients to screen
>How to screen
>What to do in the patient with positive serologies and or abnormal liver tests
>How to decide who is a candidate for therapy
>What co-morbidities and complications to look for
>How to care for the patient with chronic liver disease

Target Audience
This COMPLIMENTARY curriculum was developed for Primary Care Providers and any other healthcare provider interested in liver disease