2022 Webinar: Covid in Focus: Outpatient Therapeutics and Managing Liver Transplant Donors and Recipients
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The AASLD COVID-19 Task Force's Clinical Oversight and Education Subcommittee presents a new installment in its popular COVID-19 and the Liver webinar series. We will begin by covering the therapeutics and pathways to treat outpatients with COVID-19. This will be followed by an overview of the epidemiology of transplant donors and recipients with COVID-19 and an open discussion with a distinguished panel of experts. The expert roundtable discussion will cover the difficult issues surrounding the management of liver transplant donors and recipients who test positive for SARS-CoV-2. Are we using enough of these controversial organs or are we taking unreasonable risks? What really is the risk of donor to recipient disease transmission? What other issues do we need to consider before we accept a SARS-CoV-2 positive donor or recipient? Bring your questions and challenge the panel or just listen in to this exciting and informative webinar.
Webinar hosted by the AASLD COVID-19 Task Force's Clinical Oversight and Education Subcommittee on Wednesday, April 13, 2022
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