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2024 Emerging Topic Conference: Precision Medicine ...
2024 Emerging Topic Conference: Precision Medicine in MASLD - Virtual
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Credit Offered
12.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits
12.5 ABIM MOC Points
12.5 Participation Credits
Learning Objectives
Faculty and Disclosures
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This course includes recordings of the Emerging Topic Conference Precision Medicine in MASLD that took place March 8-9 2024. Topics included in this activity include:
Multi-omic Approaches to Unraveling MASLD
Promises and Pitfalls of Precision Medicine
Precision Medicine in MASLD - From Big Data to the Individual
Precision Biomarkers for MASH and Fibrosis
Precision medicine in MASLD Diagnostics
Precision MASLD Care Today and Looking Ahead to 2034
Evaluate research advances in OMIC technologies and how they relate to MASLD care
Describe "wet" and "dry" biomarkers and their applications in MASLD diagnosis, risk, stratisfication, and monitoring response therapy
Identify strategies and best practices for using precision medicine to care for patients with MASLD now and into the future
Course Chairs and Faculty Disclosed the Following Relevant Financial Relationships:
Arun Sanyal
Scientific Consultant/Advisor:
Madrigal, Novo Nordisk; Research Grants: Madrigal, Novo Nordisk
Cynthia Behling
Scientific Consultant/Advisor
: Novo Nordisk
Dina Tiniakos
Scientific Consultant/Advisor
: Madrigal, Inventiva
Kris Kowdley
Scientific Consultant/Advisor:
Madrigal, Novo Nordisk; Research Grants: Madrigal, Novo Nordisk
Mazen Noureddin
Scientific Consultant/Advisor:
Madrigal, Novo Nordisk, Perspectum, Siemens, Altimmune, 89Bio, Inc., Cytodyn, Northsea Therapeutics;
Research Grants:
Madrigal, Novo Nordisk; Consutling for Equity: Cytodyn, ChronWell
Meena Bansal
Scientific Consultant/Advisor:
Fibronostics, Madrigal, Novo Nordisk; Research Grants: Histoindex
Naga Chalasani
Grant/Research Support
: Exact Sciences, Galectin
Rohit Loomba
Scientific Consultant/Advisor:
Altimmune, Viking Therapeutics, Metacrine, Inc., Pfizer, Inc., 89 Bio, Inc.; Research Grants: Pfizer
Vincent Wong
Scientific Consultant/Advisor:
Novo Nordisk; Commercial Speaker’s Bureau: Abbott, Novo Nordisk
All conflicts of interest were identified and any relevant relationships were mitigated prior to the activity.
The following speakers and planners disclosed no relevant financial relationships:
Alina Allen
Anna Mae Diehl
Elizabeth Speilotes
Helen Huang
Jasmohan Bajaj
Kathleen Corey
Lauren Nephew
Meagan Gray
Norah Terrault
Quentin Anstee
Samer Gawrieh
Silvia Sookoian
Stephen Harrison
W. Ray Kim
Yaron Rotman
Lucia Valenzuela-Pérez
Allison Wing
Course Reviewers:
Jonah Rubin, MD
Sally Cook, AASLD LMS and Accreditation Manager
Steve Folstein, MFA M.Ed., AASLD Vice President of Education and Professional Development
Course reviewers had no financial relationships to disclose.
Accreditation Statement: The American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
Designation Statement: AASLD designates this enduring activity for a maximum of 12.50
AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™
. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
American Board of Internal Medicine Maintenance of Certification (MOC):
Successful completion of this CME activity, which includes participation in the evaluation components, enables the participant to earn up to 12.50 MOC points in the American Board of Internal Medicine’s (ABIM) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program. Participants will earn MOC points equivalent to the amount of CME credits claimed for the activity. It is the CME activity provider’s responsibility to submit participant completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABIM MOC credit.
Release Date:
March 8, 2024
Expiration Date:
March 8, 2027
All faculty in this activity have given their permission for publication 2024 AASLD.
Please review the
AASLD Privacy Policy
before starting the course. By enrolling in this activity you agree to the terms and conditions of this policy.
Learning Activity Title
Learning Activity Title
Learning Activity Title
Fundamentals of Liver Disease - Cirrhosis 2.0
Multiple Credits
Learning Activity Title
Learning Activity Title
Learning Activity Title
Fundamentals of Liver Disease - Alcohol-associated Liver Disease
Multiple Credits
Learning Activity Title
Learning Activity Title
Learning Activity Title
Fundamentals of Liver Disease - Hepatitis B 2.0
Multiple Credits
Learning Activity Title
Learning Activity Title
Learning Activity Title
Fundamentals of Liver Disease - Abnormal Liver Tests 2.0
Multiple Credits
Learning Activity Title
Learning Activity Title
Learning Activity Title
Guideline Update: Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure
Multiple Credits
Learning Activity Title
Learning Activity Title
Learning Activity Title
Guideline Update: Non-Invasive Tests for Hepatic Fibrosis and Steatosis
Multiple Credits
Learning Activity Title
Learning Activity Title
Learning Activity Title
The Liver Meeting 2023
2024 Emerging Topic Conference: Precision Medicine in MASLD - Virtual Course List
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