2020 Webinar: Current and Future Disease Burden of HBV: Global and Regional Perspectives
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In this on-demand webinar, representative speakers from Africa including North and Sub-Saharan Africa (Mark W. Sonderup, South Africa), East Asia (Jidong Jia, China), West and South Asia (Shiv K. Sarin, India), Europe including Western and Eastern Europe (George V. Papatheodoridis, Greece), North America (Carla Coffin, Canada) and South/Central America (Adrian Gadano) will each talk on HBV disease burden and primary challenges in their respective regions. They will present the current status and predictions for the next decade. The live question and answer session, the discussion will focus on the challenges and opportunities in each region.

Participants will be able to:

Have a global view from regional perspectives on the current situation and future prediction of HBV disease burden and to discuss the actions (most critical/effective/cost-effective) required to improve the predictions toward a more desirable goal in the region.

Promote the global outreach of AASLD by addressing issues that interest local audience.
This webinar was hosted by the Hepatitis B Special Interest Group on September 18, 2020.
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